Convert AVI to MP4

Want to convert a video file from avi format to mp4? Click here to find out how! Easy and simple steps for an avi to mp4 conversion, for Windows and Mac.

How to Convert Videos from AVI to MP4

Video conversions for avi to mp4 are very common due to some softwares not running avi files and with mp4 being the more popular form of videos. The easiest and quickest way to change AVI to MP4 would be to download a free video converter programme that doesn’t carry viruses or affect your computer or laptop. If you have a Mac you may be able to find a specfic programme on the App Store.

  1. Browse for a suitale video converter software, many online ones are free and simple to use.
  2. Download and install the selected video converter.
  3. Select the avi file you want to be converter and upload it to the programme.
  4. Choose mp4 to be the output format for the video and click “convert”.
  5. When the conversion is completed, rename the file and select a location.

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