Australian Dollar - US Dollar Converter

Converter Australian Dollars - Dollars

Converter Dollars - Australian Dollars

Despite both these currencies being called the dollar, there is a distinct difference between the Australian dollar and the US dollar. They are considered to be important within the trading world and are both quite strong, however it is safe to say the American dollar is ahead of the game. Use the AUD – USD currency converter below for all your conversion needs or view our other currency converters.

How Does the Converter from Australian dollars (AUD) to US dollars (USD) Work?

Very simple to use, enter the quantity of Australian dollars that you want to convert in the box above and click ¨Convert¨ for the equivalent quantity in US dollars to appear. Our currency calculators are updated daily to make sure that we can offer the most accurate exchange rate. Click here for a US dollar – Australian dollar converter.

About the Australian $

The Australian dollar is the official currency of the Commonwealth of Australia and a few surrounding independent states in the Pacific. It is unrelated to the US dollar except the similarity in names. The Australian dollar is seen to be quite strong, but does not compete with the US dollar or the British pound. Australia’s economy plays a part in the use of its currency as it is seen to be stable to use within the foreign exchange market.

About the US $

The dollar is the official currency of the United States of America and the territories classed as part of the USA. A single dollar is made up of 100 smaller units known as cents. It is the most powerful and influential currency in the world and is extremely important in the foreign trade market. Many other countries also choose to use the US dollar as their official currency or share the dollar name with their own currency.


How many is 1 in Dollars?

1 equals 0 Dollars (1AUD = 0USD)

How many are 2 Australian Dollars in Dollars?

2 Australian Dollars equal 0 Dollars (2AUD = 0USD)

How many are 3 Australian Dollars in Dollars?

3 Australian Dollars equal 0 Dollars (3AUD = 0USD)

How many are 4 Australian Dollars in Dollars?

4 Australian Dollars equal 0 Dollars (4AUD = 0USD)

How many are 5 Australian Dollars in Dollars?

5 Australian Dollars equal 0 Dollars (5AUD = 0USD)

How many are 10 Australian Dollars in Dollars?

10 Australian Dollars equal 0 Dollars (10AUD = 0USD)

How many are 15 Australian Dollars in Dollars?

15 Australian Dollars equal 0 Dollars (15AUD = 0USD)

How many are 20 Australian Dollars in Dollars?

20 Australian Dollars equal 0 Dollars (20AUD = 0USD)

How many are 25 Australian Dollars in Dollars?

25 Australian Dollars equal 0 Dollars (25AUD = 0USD)

How many are 30 Australian Dollars in Dollars?

30 Australian Dollars equal 0 Dollars (30AUD = 0USD)

How many are 50 Australian Dollars in Dollars?

50 Australian Dollars equal 0 Dollars (50AUD = 0USD)

How many are 100 Australian Dollars in Dollars?

100 Australian Dollars equal 0 Dollars (100AUD = 0USD)

How many are 200 Australian Dollars in Dollars?

200 Australian Dollars equal 0 Dollars (200AUD = 0USD)

How many are 500 Australian Dollars in Dollars?

500 Australian Dollars equal 0 Dollars (500AUD = 0USD)

How many are 1000 Australian Dollars in Dollars?

1000 Australian Dollars equal 0 Dollars (1000AUD = 0USD)