Pound - Euro Converter

Converter British Pounds - Euros

Converter Euros - British Pounds

These two currencies, the British pound and the European euro, are both highly regarded in the foreign exchange market and are some of the strongest currencies in the world. Principally, there is an underlying competetion between the two due to the rejection of Great Britain to introduce the euro as its currency suggested by the European Union when the euro was first introduced, with the debate still continuing. There are many more currency converters to choose from depending on your conversion needs.

How Does the Converter from Pounds (GBP) to Euros (EUR) Work?

In order to make the conversion you want, simply enter the amount of money of pounds you wish to convert to euros and click the ¨Convert¨button. Our exchange rates are constantly being updated to provide you with the most accurate currency conversion. The amount you will be shown is the quantity of euros. Also available is a euro – pound converter.

About the Pound (£)

The pound is the official currency of Great Britain but is also used in the surrounding islands and other British territory in the Antarctic and off the coast of South America. One pound consists of 100 pence which is the subdivision of British currency. The sterling pound is an important currency in the foreign exchange market and is highly influencial.

About the Euro (€)

The euro is the official currency of the eurozone which comprises of 18 out of 28 of the European Nations. This includes Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. After the US Dollar, the euro is the second most traded currency. One euro consists of 100 cents.


How many is 1 in Euros?

1 equals 0 Euros (1GBP = 0EUR)

How many are 2 British Pounds in Euros?

2 British Pounds equal 0 Euros (2GBP = 0EUR)

How many are 3 British Pounds in Euros?

3 British Pounds equal 0 Euros (3GBP = 0EUR)

How many are 4 British Pounds in Euros?

4 British Pounds equal 0 Euros (4GBP = 0EUR)

How many are 5 British Pounds in Euros?

5 British Pounds equal 0 Euros (5GBP = 0EUR)

How many are 10 British Pounds in Euros?

10 British Pounds equal 0 Euros (10GBP = 0EUR)

How many are 15 British Pounds in Euros?

15 British Pounds equal 0 Euros (15GBP = 0EUR)

How many are 20 British Pounds in Euros?

20 British Pounds equal 0 Euros (20GBP = 0EUR)

How many are 25 British Pounds in Euros?

25 British Pounds equal 0 Euros (25GBP = 0EUR)

How many are 30 British Pounds in Euros?

30 British Pounds equal 0 Euros (30GBP = 0EUR)

How many are 50 British Pounds in Euros?

50 British Pounds equal 0 Euros (50GBP = 0EUR)

How many are 100 British Pounds in Euros?

100 British Pounds equal 0 Euros (100GBP = 0EUR)

How many are 200 British Pounds in Euros?

200 British Pounds equal 0 Euros (200GBP = 0EUR)

How many are 500 British Pounds in Euros?

500 British Pounds equal 0 Euros (500GBP = 0EUR)

How many are 1000 British Pounds in Euros?

1000 British Pounds equal 0 Euros (1000GBP = 0EUR)