Rupee - Pound Converter

Converter Rupees - British Pounds

Converter British Pounds - Rupees

As two currencies that are in high circulation in the world, the relationship between the British pound and Indian rupee is somewhat stable at this moment in time. Even during the British control of India, the country had never adopted the GBP currency. Our currency converters can help you calculate between currencies and provide information on each currency.

How Does the Converter from Rupees (₹) to Pounds (£) Work?

To begin converting, enter the amount of rupees you wish to convert in the box above and click ¨convert¨. The amount that will appear will be shown in pounds and will be an accurate quantity based on the day’s conversion rates. To calculate the other way, use our pound – rupee converter.

About the Indian ₹

The rupee is the official currency of the Republic of India and is subdivided into 100 paise. The Indian rupee symbol that is in use now was introduced in 2010 after a national competition for Indian residents. Other ways of symbolising the rupee include ¨Rs¨ which is still used in other countries that have adopted the rupee name.

About the British £

The pound is the official currency of Great Britain but is also used in the surrounding islands and other British territory in the Antarctic and off the coast of South America. One pound consists of 100 pence which is the subdivision of British currency. The sterling pound is an important currency in the foreign exchange market and is highly influencial.


How many is 1 in British Pounds?

1 equals 0 British Pounds (1INR = 0GBP)

How many are 2 Rupees in British Pounds?

2 Rupees equal 0 British Pounds (2INR = 0GBP)

How many are 3 Rupees in British Pounds?

3 Rupees equal 0 British Pounds (3INR = 0GBP)

How many are 4 Rupees in British Pounds?

4 Rupees equal 0 British Pounds (4INR = 0GBP)

How many are 5 Rupees in British Pounds?

5 Rupees equal 0 British Pounds (5INR = 0GBP)

How many are 10 Rupees in British Pounds?

10 Rupees equal 0 British Pounds (10INR = 0GBP)

How many are 15 Rupees in British Pounds?

15 Rupees equal 0 British Pounds (15INR = 0GBP)

How many are 20 Rupees in British Pounds?

20 Rupees equal 0 British Pounds (20INR = 0GBP)

How many are 25 Rupees in British Pounds?

25 Rupees equal 0 British Pounds (25INR = 0GBP)

How many are 30 Rupees in British Pounds?

30 Rupees equal 0 British Pounds (30INR = 0GBP)

How many are 50 Rupees in British Pounds?

50 Rupees equal 0 British Pounds (50INR = 0GBP)

How many are 100 Rupees in British Pounds?

100 Rupees equal 0 British Pounds (100INR = 0GBP)

How many are 200 Rupees in British Pounds?

200 Rupees equal 0 British Pounds (200INR = 0GBP)

How many are 500 Rupees in British Pounds?

500 Rupees equal 0 British Pounds (500INR = 0GBP)

How many are 1000 Rupees in British Pounds?

1000 Rupees equal 0 British Pounds (1000INR = 0GBP)