US Dollar – Canadian Dollar Converter

Looking to change US dollars into Canadian dollars? Here is a currency converter to help work out the exchange rate quickly and efficiently. Get converting!

Converter Dollars - Canadian Dollars

Geographically neighbours and sharing the same name for their currencies, Canada and the USA have many things in common. However, they have different official currencies. Despite falling into the shadow of the USD, the CAD is considered to be quite strong amongst the world rankings and this can be seen when converting currency from Canadian dollars to US dollars. View our different currency converters available for other currency exchanges.

How Does the Converter from US Dollars ($) to Canadian Dollars ($) Work?

All you need to do is enter the amount of US dollars you wish to convert in the box above and our money calculator will work out how many Canadian dollars this will give you. Our calculators work to the daily exchange rate so will always give you the most accurate quantities. If you need to convert the opposite way then go to Canadian dollar – US dollar converter.

About the US $

The dollar is the official currency of the United States of America and the territories classed as part of the USA. A single dollar is made up of 100 smaller units known as cents. It is the most powerful and influential currency in the world and is extremely important in the foreign trade market. Many other countries also choose to use the US dollar as their official currency or share the dollar name with their own currency.

About the Canadian $

The dollar is the official currency of Canada alone although it is used unofficially in other parts of the world. It is comprised of 100 cents, almost identical to the US dollar. A $1 is sometimes referred to as a loonie by Canadians and also the symbol C$ is used to distinguish the CAD from the USD.