US Dollar - Hong Kong Dollar Converter

Converter Dollars - Hong Kong Dollars

Converter Hong Kong Dollars - Dollars

Both of these currencies, the Honk Kong dollar and the American dollar, are classed within the top 10 most traded currencies in the world. Our currency converters help you to calculate different quantities of money in different currencies. Despite being half way across the world from each other, these two countries have an important trading relationship and are world superpower,s as well as being powerful within their own continents.

How Does the Converter from US Dollar ($) to Hong Kong Dollar ($) Work?

Enter the quantity of HKD you would like to convert to USD and click the ¨Convert¨ button to see the results. Our currency calculator works quickly to provide you with the most recently updated exchange rate. For a conversion that works the other way, use the Hong Kong dollar – US dollar converter.

About the US $

The dollar is the official currency of the United States of America and the territories classed as part of the USA. A single dollar is made up of 100 smaller units known as cents. It is the most powerful and influential currency in the world and is extremely important in the foreign trade market. Many other countries also choose to use the US dollar as their official currency or share the dollar name with their own currency.

About the Hong Kong $

The dollar is the official currency of Hong Kong and is currently the 8th most traded currency in the world. It has a more complicated subunit division system than other currencies but is made up of 100 cents. There are also many different slang terms for all the different subquantities of the HKD.


How many is 1 in Hong Kong Dollars?

1 equals 0 Hong Kong Dollars (1USD = 0HKD)

How many are 2 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars?

2 Dollars equal 0 Hong Kong Dollars (2USD = 0HKD)

How many are 3 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars?

3 Dollars equal 0 Hong Kong Dollars (3USD = 0HKD)

How many are 4 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars?

4 Dollars equal 0 Hong Kong Dollars (4USD = 0HKD)

How many are 5 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars?

5 Dollars equal 0 Hong Kong Dollars (5USD = 0HKD)

How many are 10 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars?

10 Dollars equal 0 Hong Kong Dollars (10USD = 0HKD)

How many are 15 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars?

15 Dollars equal 0 Hong Kong Dollars (15USD = 0HKD)

How many are 20 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars?

20 Dollars equal 0 Hong Kong Dollars (20USD = 0HKD)

How many are 25 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars?

25 Dollars equal 0 Hong Kong Dollars (25USD = 0HKD)

How many are 30 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars?

30 Dollars equal 0 Hong Kong Dollars (30USD = 0HKD)

How many are 50 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars?

50 Dollars equal 0 Hong Kong Dollars (50USD = 0HKD)

How many are 100 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars?

100 Dollars equal 0 Hong Kong Dollars (100USD = 0HKD)

How many are 200 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars?

200 Dollars equal 0 Hong Kong Dollars (200USD = 0HKD)

How many are 500 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars?

500 Dollars equal 0 Hong Kong Dollars (500USD = 0HKD)

How many are 1000 Dollars in Hong Kong Dollars?

1000 Dollars equal 0 Hong Kong Dollars (1000USD = 0HKD)