Convert Yards to Meters

Converter Yards - Meters

Converter Meters - Yards

A common use for the yard and meter is when measuring larger plots of land, such as length and width. It could be seen that yard is used more for larger distances than meters. Use this yard – meter converter when changing between the two units. View our other length converters.

How to Convert from yd to m?

In the box above, enter the quantity of yards you would like to change and click ¨convert¨ for the result to appear in the equal amount of meters. Our yd – m converter is simple and accurate to use! For the opposite calculation, go to convert meters to yards.

Formula to Convert Yards – Meters

When doing this calculation manually, the formula of conversion that you need to use is yd / 1.0936 = m and this is the same formula used by the online calculator. For instance, 2yd = 1.83m and 15yd = 13.72m.

Measurements in yd

The yard is a unit of length used in road signs and sports fields to measure distance. It can also be used as a measure of area when describing large plots of land. It is mainly used in the UK and USA with some use also in Australia and Canada. The yd – m calculator is useful when converting quantities into yards.

Measurements in m

This unit of length is used when measuring houses, height or slightly bigger everyday objects. Meters can be subdivided into centimeters or millimeters, and are also multiplied to produce kilometers. Above is a yard to meter conversion tool which you can use if you need to swap between units or for different measurement purposes.


How many is 1 Yard in Meters?

1 Yard equals 0.91 Meters (1yd = 0.91m)

How many are 2 Yards in Meters?

2 Yards equal 1.83 Meters (2yd = 1.83m)

How many are 3 Yards in Meters?

3 Yards equal 2.74 Meters (3yd = 2.74m)

How many are 4 Yards in Meters?

4 Yards equal 3.66 Meters (4yd = 3.66m)

How many are 5 Yards in Meters?

5 Yards equal 4.57 Meters (5yd = 4.57m)

How many are 10 Yards in Meters?

10 Yards equal 9.14 Meters (10yd = 9.14m)

How many are 15 Yards in Meters?

15 Yards equal 13.72 Meters (15yd = 13.72m)

How many are 20 Yards in Meters?

20 Yards equal 18.29 Meters (20yd = 18.29m)

How many are 25 Yards in Meters?

25 Yards equal 22.86 Meters (25yd = 22.86m)

How many are 30 Yards in Meters?

30 Yards equal 27.43 Meters (30yd = 27.43m)

How many are 50 Yards in Meters?

50 Yards equal 45.72 Meters (50yd = 45.72m)

How many are 100 Yards in Meters?

100 Yards equal 91.44 Meters (100yd = 91.44m)

How many are 200 Yards in Meters?

200 Yards equal 182.88 Meters (200yd = 182.88m)

How many are 500 Yards in Meters?

500 Yards equal 457.2 Meters (500yd = 457.2m)

How many are 1000 Yards in Meters?

1000 Yards equal 914.4 Meters (1000yd = 914.4m)