Convert Pascals to Millibars

Converter Pascals - Millibars

Converter Millibars - Pascals

Pascals and millibars are two types of units of pressure that are used in different circumstances for measurements of pressure. While millibars are found to be used more commonly in meteorology and weather reports, Pascals are used in science and medicine. This is our pascal – millibar converter to help with your pressure conversions. View our other pressure converters.

How to use the Converter for Pascals to Millibars?

Above, you will need to enter a quantity of Pascals that you need to change and click “convert” for our pa to mbar calculator to work out an accurate equivalent in millibars. For the opposite conversion, convert millibars to Pascals.

Formula to Convert Pa – mbar

For the pascal – millibar conversion, you might be interested to know the mathematical equation used by our pressure converter so we have provided it below. As some examples, 6 Pa = 0.06 mbar and 43 Pa = 0.43 mbar

[number of] Pascals / 100 = [number of] millibars

What are Pascals?

Pascals are defined as a unit of pressure equivalent to one newton per square metre. In medicine and geophysics, units derived from the Pascal are used. They were named after Blaise Pascal who was a French mathematician and physicist and are slowly replacing the psi units all over the world, except in the United States. Above is our Pascals to millibars converter.

What are millibars?

As a subunit of the unit of pressure called bars, the millibar is equal to exactly one-thousandth of a bar. Millibars are used in meteorology and for weather forecasts written for the public. Scientists use the measure of millibars to identify the standard atmospheric pressure at sea level to be around 1,013 millibars. Try the pa to mbar converter for your calculations.


How many is 1 Pascal in Millibars?

1 Pascal equals 0.01 Millibars (1Pa = 0.01mbar)

How many are 2 Pascals in Millibars?

2 Pascals equal 0.02 Millibars (2Pa = 0.02mbar)

How many are 3 Pascals in Millibars?

3 Pascals equal 0.03 Millibars (3Pa = 0.03mbar)

How many are 4 Pascals in Millibars?

4 Pascals equal 0.04 Millibars (4Pa = 0.04mbar)

How many are 5 Pascals in Millibars?

5 Pascals equal 0.05 Millibars (5Pa = 0.05mbar)

How many are 10 Pascals in Millibars?

10 Pascals equal 0.1 Millibars (10Pa = 0.1mbar)

How many are 15 Pascals in Millibars?

15 Pascals equal 0.15 Millibars (15Pa = 0.15mbar)

How many are 20 Pascals in Millibars?

20 Pascals equal 0.2 Millibars (20Pa = 0.2mbar)

How many are 25 Pascals in Millibars?

25 Pascals equal 0.25 Millibars (25Pa = 0.25mbar)

How many are 30 Pascals in Millibars?

30 Pascals equal 0.3 Millibars (30Pa = 0.3mbar)

How many are 50 Pascals in Millibars?

50 Pascals equal 0.5 Millibars (50Pa = 0.5mbar)

How many are 100 Pascals in Millibars?

100 Pascals equal 1 Millibars (100Pa = 1mbar)

How many are 200 Pascals in Millibars?

200 Pascals equal 2 Millibars (200Pa = 2mbar)

How many are 500 Pascals in Millibars?

500 Pascals equal 5 Millibars (500Pa = 5mbar)

How many are 1000 Pascals in Millibars?

1000 Pascals equal 10 Millibars (1000Pa = 10mbar)