Convert Pascals to Pounds per Square Inch

Trying to convert from units in Pascals to pounds per square inch? Use this accurate pressure converter to move easily from Pascals to pounds per sq in.

Conversion Pascals - Pounds per square inch

Conversor de Pounds per square inch to Pascals

Both Pascals and pounds per square inch are important units of pressure used to measure atmospheric pressure in different circumstances. As a worldwide movement, the units of Pa are slowly replacing those of psi, which is now only mainly used in the United States. These two measurements are also used in science when looking at calculating how much stress is exerted. View our other pressure converters and use this Pa – psi conversion tool.

How to use the Converter from Pascals to Pounds per square inch?

Enter any amount of Pascals into the pa – psi calculator above and click “convert” for our accurate pressure converter to give you the equivalent in pounds per square inch. To work the other way around, convert pounds per square inch to Pascals.

Formula to Convert Pa – Psi

If you want to do this Pascal to pound per square inch conversion yourself or by hand, then take a look at the mathematical formula below to help with your calculations. For instance, 13 Pa = 0.0019 psi and 146 Pa = 0.021 psi

[number of] Pascals x 0.000145 = [number of] pounds per square inch

What are Pascals?

Pascals are defined as a unit of pressure equivalent to one newton per square metre, named after Blaise Pascal who was a French mathematician and physicist. Pascals are slowly replacing the psi units all over the world, except in the United States. In medicine and geophysics, units derived from the Pascal are used. Above is our Pascal to Pounds per square inch converter.

What is psi?

More accurately known as pound-force per square inch, psi is a unit of pressure defined by a force of one pound on an area of one square inch. The psi measurement is most commonly found to be used in the US and can be used to measure atmospheric pressure in certain circumstances. Other abbreviations of this unit include lbf/in² and lbf/sq in. Try our Pa to psi converter.

How many is 1 Pascal in Pounds per square inch?

1 Pascal equals 0 Pounds per square inch (1Pa = 0psi)

How many are 50 Pascals in Pounds per square inch?

50 Pascals equal 0.01 Pounds per square inch (50Pa = 0.01psi)

How many are 100 Pascals in Pounds per square inch?

100 Pascals equal 0.01 Pounds per square inch (100Pa = 0.01psi)

How many are 200 Pascals in Pounds per square inch?

200 Pascals equal 0.03 Pounds per square inch (200Pa = 0.03psi)

How many are 500 Pascals in Pounds per square inch?

500 Pascals equal 0.07 Pounds per square inch (500Pa = 0.07psi)

How many are 1000 Pascals in Pounds per square inch?

1000 Pascals equal 0.15 Pounds per square inch (1000Pa = 0.15psi)

How many are 2000 Pascals in Pounds per square inch?

2000 Pascals equal 0.29 Pounds per square inch (2000Pa = 0.29psi)

How many are 5000 Pascals in Pounds per square inch?

5000 Pascals equal 0.73 Pounds per square inch (5000Pa = 0.73psi)

How many are 10000 Pascals in Pounds per square inch?

10000 Pascals equal 1.45 Pounds per square inch (10000Pa = 1.45psi)

How many are 12000 Pascals in Pounds per square inch?

12000 Pascals equal 1.74 Pounds per square inch (12000Pa = 1.74psi)

How many are 15000 Pascals in Pounds per square inch?

15000 Pascals equal 2.18 Pounds per square inch (15000Pa = 2.18psi)

How many are 20000 Pascals in Pounds per square inch?

20000 Pascals equal 2.9 Pounds per square inch (20000Pa = 2.9psi)
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