Convert Knots to Miles per hour

Working from units of knots to miles per hour? Use this knots to miles per hour speed converter for any unit conversion with more converters available here!

Conversion Knots - Miles per hour

Conversor de Miles per hour to Knots

Knots and miles per hour are useful units of speed found to be a unit of measurement in different circumstances. Both are used to measure the speed of modes of transport, with mph being used for road transport mainly and kn being used for sea and air transport vehicles. View some of our other speed converters, such as the knots to miles per hour one above, when converting between different units.

How to use the Converter for Knots to Mph?

In the knots – miles per hour converter above, enter the amount of knots to be changed and click “convert” to be given a new amount in miles per hour. The opposite conversion requires you to convert miles per hour to knots.

Formula to Convert kn – mph

In mathematical, technical terms the formula used for this knots to miles per hour conversion is shown below should you need to know it or do the calculation by hand. For instance, 13 kn = 14.96 mph and 45 kn = 51.79 mph

[number of] knots x 1.15078 = [number of] miles per hour

When to use knots?

Knots are an important unit of speed measurement used in meteorology but also in the air navigation and maritime industries. One knot is equivalent to one nautical mile exactly. Its main purpose is to calculate the speed of vessels relative to the fluids in which they travel, whether that is water or air. Above is our knots to mph calculator.

When to use mph?

The United States and United Kingdom choose to use the imperial unit of speed known as miles per hour over kilometres, which is chosen in many other countries. This unit expresses the amount of miles travelled in an hour and are included in car speedometers and road signs; other abbreviations of the unit include MPH or mi/h. Try out the kn – mph converter.

How many is 1 Knot in Miles per hour?

1 Knot equals 1.15 Miles per hour (1kn = 1.15mph)

How many are 2 Knots in Miles per hour?

2 Knots equal 2.3 Miles per hour (2kn = 2.3mph)

How many are 3 Knots in Miles per hour?

3 Knots equal 3.45 Miles per hour (3kn = 3.45mph)

How many are 4 Knots in Miles per hour?

4 Knots equal 4.6 Miles per hour (4kn = 4.6mph)

How many are 5 Knots in Miles per hour?

5 Knots equal 5.75 Miles per hour (5kn = 5.75mph)

How many are 10 Knots in Miles per hour?

10 Knots equal 11.51 Miles per hour (10kn = 11.51mph)

How many are 15 Knots in Miles per hour?

15 Knots equal 17.26 Miles per hour (15kn = 17.26mph)

How many are 20 Knots in Miles per hour?

20 Knots equal 23.02 Miles per hour (20kn = 23.02mph)

How many are 25 Knots in Miles per hour?

25 Knots equal 28.77 Miles per hour (25kn = 28.77mph)

How many are 30 Knots in Miles per hour?

30 Knots equal 34.52 Miles per hour (30kn = 34.52mph)

How many are 50 Knots in Miles per hour?

50 Knots equal 57.54 Miles per hour (50kn = 57.54mph)

How many are 100 Knots in Miles per hour?

100 Knots equal 115.08 Miles per hour (100kn = 115.08mph)

How many are 200 Knots in Miles per hour?

200 Knots equal 230.16 Miles per hour (200kn = 230.16mph)

How many are 500 Knots in Miles per hour?

500 Knots equal 575.39 Miles per hour (500kn = 575.39mph)

How many are 1000 Knots in Miles per hour?

1000 Knots equal 1150.78 Miles per hour (1000kn = 1150.78mph)
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