Convert Hours to Minutes

Converter Hours - Minutes

Converter Minutes - Hours

This is an online converter for hours – minutes that will help you calculate different quantities of time measurements. It can be particularly useful when converting movie running times that are usually shown in minutes, or when baking chocolate desserts. Both these units of time are used in our everyday language for many things, so try our hours to minutes calculator above for your conversions. View our other time converters.

How to Convert from Hours to Minutes?

To change a certain number of hours into minutes, simply enter above in the box how many hours you want to calculate and click ¨convert¨. Our hrs – mins converter will quickly and accurately give you the resulst in minutes. You might want to work in the other direction, convert minutes to hours.

Formula to Convert Hrs – Mins

Our formula below is a useful tool if you wish to do this time conversion by hand or if you need to know the mathematical calculation for an exam. For example, 2 hrs = 120 mins and 7 hrs = 420 mins.

[number of] hours x 60 = [number of] minutes

Using Hours

The time unit of hours is used daily to tell the time and calculate periods of time that usually occur within the space of a few days. Hours are divided into minutes and multiplied into days. Use this converter of hours to minutes for your time conversions.

Using Minutes

Minutes are a very common unit used for a multiple of reasons, such as telling time and in cooking. They are divided into seconds and multiplied into hours. Above you will find our hours – minutes conversion to help you in changing units.


1 hour 60
2 hours 120
3 hours 180
4 hours 240
5 hours 300
6 hours 360
10 hours 600
15 hours 900
20 hours 1200
30 hours 1800
50 hours 3000
75 hours 4500
80 hours 4800
100 hours 6000
150 hours 9000
200 hours 12000
500 hours 30000
1000 hours 60000

How many is 1 Hour in Minutes?

1 Hour equals 60 Minutes (1hr = 60min)

How many are 2 Hours in Minutes?

2 Hours equal 120 Minutes (2hr = 120min)

How many are 3 Hours in Minutes?

3 Hours equal 180 Minutes (3hr = 180min)

How many are 4 Hours in Minutes?

4 Hours equal 240 Minutes (4hr = 240min)

How many are 5 Hours in Minutes?

5 Hours equal 300 Minutes (5hr = 300min)

How many are 10 Hours in Minutes?

10 Hours equal 600 Minutes (10hr = 600min)

How many are 15 Hours in Minutes?

15 Hours equal 900 Minutes (15hr = 900min)

How many are 20 Hours in Minutes?

20 Hours equal 1200 Minutes (20hr = 1200min)

How many are 25 Hours in Minutes?

25 Hours equal 1500 Minutes (25hr = 1500min)

How many are 30 Hours in Minutes?

30 Hours equal 1800 Minutes (30hr = 1800min)

How many are 50 Hours in Minutes?

50 Hours equal 3000 Minutes (50hr = 3000min)

How many are 100 Hours in Minutes?

100 Hours equal 6000 Minutes (100hr = 6000min)

How many are 200 Hours in Minutes?

200 Hours equal 12000 Minutes (200hr = 12000min)

How many are 500 Hours in Minutes?

500 Hours equal 30000 Minutes (500hr = 30000min)

How many are 1000 Hours in Minutes?

1000 Hours equal 60000 Minutes (1000hr = 60000min)