Convert Square Kilometres to Hectares

Converter Square Kilometres - Hectares

Converter Hectares - Square Kilometres

Measuring land can be done by one of these two units of surface areahectares and square kilometres, such as gardens and parks. Hectares is a large unit, but square kilometres being one of the larger ones so they are each used in different circumstances and for different sizes of land. Have a look at our other area converters if you need to change between other units.

How to use the Converter for Square Km to Hectares?

Using the square km – hectare calculator above, insert the number of square kilometres that you wish to convert and click “convert” for the accurate conversion to appear in hectares. If you need to work in the opposite direction, go to convert hectares to square kilometres.

Formula to Convert Km² – Hectares

When converting sq km – hectares yourself, you might need to use the most accurate formula, which we have provided below. It is the same mathematical formula used by our online converter. As some examples, 7 km² = 700 hectares and 23 km² = 2,300 hectares.

[number of] square kilometres x 100 = [number of] hectares

Unit of Square Kilomtres

Square kilometres are a unit of area, found when calculating the size of a park or garden. It is a common mistake to get kilometres square mixed up with square kilometres as people think they are the same. If a park is 10 kilometres square, it would have an area of 100 square kilometres. Use the conversion for square kilometres – hectares when changing units.

Unit of Hectares

The hectare is used in many official circumstances, despite being excluded from the Internation System of Units, such as the measurement of area included in land deeds or construction planning. As a large unit of area and similar to the acre, it is commonly used in land calculations. Above is our  sq km – ha conversion tool to help with calculations.


How many is 1 Square Kilometre in Hectares?

1 Square Kilometre equals 100 Hectares (1sq km = 100ha)

How many are 2 Square Kilometres in Hectares?

2 Square Kilometres equal 200 Hectares (2sq km = 200ha)

How many are 3 Square Kilometres in Hectares?

3 Square Kilometres equal 300 Hectares (3sq km = 300ha)

How many are 4 Square Kilometres in Hectares?

4 Square Kilometres equal 400 Hectares (4sq km = 400ha)

How many are 5 Square Kilometres in Hectares?

5 Square Kilometres equal 500 Hectares (5sq km = 500ha)

How many are 10 Square Kilometres in Hectares?

10 Square Kilometres equal 1000 Hectares (10sq km = 1000ha)

How many are 15 Square Kilometres in Hectares?

15 Square Kilometres equal 1500 Hectares (15sq km = 1500ha)

How many are 20 Square Kilometres in Hectares?

20 Square Kilometres equal 2000 Hectares (20sq km = 2000ha)

How many are 25 Square Kilometres in Hectares?

25 Square Kilometres equal 2500 Hectares (25sq km = 2500ha)

How many are 30 Square Kilometres in Hectares?

30 Square Kilometres equal 3000 Hectares (30sq km = 3000ha)

How many are 50 Square Kilometres in Hectares?

50 Square Kilometres equal 5000 Hectares (50sq km = 5000ha)

How many are 100 Square Kilometres in Hectares?

100 Square Kilometres equal 10000 Hectares (100sq km = 10000ha)

How many are 200 Square Kilometres in Hectares?

200 Square Kilometres equal 20000 Hectares (200sq km = 20000ha)

How many are 500 Square Kilometres in Hectares?

500 Square Kilometres equal 50000 Hectares (500sq km = 50000ha)

How many are 1000 Square Kilometres in Hectares?

1000 Square Kilometres equal 100000 Hectares (1000sq km = 100000ha)