Convert Square Metres to Square Yards

Converter Square Metres - Square Yards

Converter Square Yards - Square Metres

Considered official units of area, the square yard and square meter are commonly used throughout the world. As an imperial unit, the square metre has almost completely replaced square yards outside the US, UK and Canada and are now used more frequently. As smaller area measurements, they are used more on a daily basis. View our other area converters and try the sq m – sq yd converter above.

How to use the Converter for Square Metres to Square Yards?

Very simple and easy to use, our square m to square yd calculator above allows you to change units by entering the quantity you need to change in the box and click “convert”. To work the other way, see convert square yards to square metres.

Formula to Convert Square M – Square Yd

When using our online converter for this calculation, you might be wondering what the real formula used is and we have provided it for you below to show the accuracy of our converters. As some examples, 5 sq m = 5.98 sq yd while 17 sq m = 20.33 sq yd.

[number of] square metres x 1.19599 = [number of] square yards

Unit of Square Metres

Square metres, as a smaller unit of measurement are popular for smaller spaces and measurements. It is said that half a doorway approximately equates to a square metre. As a unit of area, it is more commonly used everyday for situations and calculations. Above you will find our square metre to square yard conversion tool.

Unit of Square Yards

The unit of square yards has recently been replaced by most of the English-speaking world to the use of square metres. It is considered a smaller unit of area, generally used to measure more everyday objects and areas such as floor space or carpets. Use our square yard – square metre calculator above to change between the two.


How many is 1 Square Metre in Square Yards?

1 Square Metre equals 1.2 Square Yards (1sq m = 1.2sq yd)

How many are 2 Square Metres in Square Yards?

2 Square Metres equal 2.39 Square Yards (2sq m = 2.39sq yd)

How many are 3 Square Metres in Square Yards?

3 Square Metres equal 3.59 Square Yards (3sq m = 3.59sq yd)

How many are 4 Square Metres in Square Yards?

4 Square Metres equal 4.78 Square Yards (4sq m = 4.78sq yd)

How many are 5 Square Metres in Square Yards?

5 Square Metres equal 5.98 Square Yards (5sq m = 5.98sq yd)

How many are 10 Square Metres in Square Yards?

10 Square Metres equal 11.96 Square Yards (10sq m = 11.96sq yd)

How many are 15 Square Metres in Square Yards?

15 Square Metres equal 17.94 Square Yards (15sq m = 17.94sq yd)

How many are 20 Square Metres in Square Yards?

20 Square Metres equal 23.92 Square Yards (20sq m = 23.92sq yd)

How many are 25 Square Metres in Square Yards?

25 Square Metres equal 29.9 Square Yards (25sq m = 29.9sq yd)

How many are 30 Square Metres in Square Yards?

30 Square Metres equal 35.88 Square Yards (30sq m = 35.88sq yd)

How many are 50 Square Metres in Square Yards?

50 Square Metres equal 59.8 Square Yards (50sq m = 59.8sq yd)

How many are 100 Square Metres in Square Yards?

100 Square Metres equal 119.6 Square Yards (100sq m = 119.6sq yd)

How many are 200 Square Metres in Square Yards?

200 Square Metres equal 239.2 Square Yards (200sq m = 239.2sq yd)

How many are 500 Square Metres in Square Yards?

500 Square Metres equal 598 Square Yards (500sq m = 598sq yd)

How many are 1000 Square Metres in Square Yards?

1000 Square Metres equal 1195.99 Square Yards (1000sq m = 1195.99sq yd)