Convert Rankine to Reaumur

Converter Kelvin - Rankine

Converter Rankine - Kelvin

These units of temperature, rankine and Reaumur, are both considered as non-mainstream temperature measurements because they are not used in everyday circumstances nor are their thermometers needed for common use. These temperature scales are used more in specific industrial circumstances. Above is our Rankine – Reaumur converter, we have more temperature converters available.

How to use the Converter from Rankine to Reaumur?

Enter the quantity of units of rankine you need to change into the box above and click “convert” for our °r to °re calculator to accurately convert the number into Reaumur units. The opposite conversion requires you to convert Reaumur to rankine.

Formula for Converting °R – °Re

Below is the mathematical formula for this rankine to Reaumur conversion that you can use to accurately calculate the change yourself, or if you need to know how the temperature conversion is done. Some examples would be, 6°R = -215.85°Re and 237°R = -113.39°Re

(°R – 491.67) x (4/9) = °Re

When to use Rankine?

William Rankine, a Glaswegian engineer and physicist, proposed the Rankine scale in 1859. Rankine units are related to degrees of Fahrenheit unlike kelvin that are related to Celsius. On the Rankine scale, absolute zero is also defined as 0. Use our rankine – Reaumur calculator above for any conversion you need.

When to use Reaumur?

Although previously used as a widespread scale for measuring temperature in Europe, Reaumur had been replaced by Celsius by the mid-19th century. Its use now is centered in cheese production to measure the temperature of milk. It is also used in cooking desserts to measure the temperature of certain ingredients. Above you will be able to convert rankine to Reaumur.
