Convert Reaumur to Fahrenheit

Converter Rankine - Fahrenheit

Converter Fahrenheit - Rankine

The Fahrenheit and Reaumur temperature scales use different measurements for defining the freezing and boiling points of water. Both these temperature measurements use specifically designed thermometers for their scales, with Fahrenheit degrees being popularly used in the United States and degrees in Reaumur more common in Europe.  You will find our Reaumur – Fahrenheit converter above and we have more temperature converters available.

How to use our Converter from Reaumur to Fahrenheit?

In the box above, enter the number of degrees Reaumur you want to convert and click “convert” for our Reaumur to Fahrenheit calculator to change the number into degrees Fahrenheit. For the opposite conversion, convert Fahrenheit to Reaumur.

Formula to Convert °Re – °F

Below you will find the mathematical formula for this Reaumur to Fahrenheit conversion that you can use to work out the calculation yourself, should you need to. For example, 14°Re = 63.5°F while 46°Re = 135.5°F

°Re x (9/4) + 32 = °F 

When to Use Reaumur?

The Reaumur temperature scale is named after Réne de Réaumur who proposed a similar scale in the 1700s, using a thermometer that contained diluted alcohol. Today, Reaumur is used is the European food production industry, for example cheese and dessert. Over the decades, scientists found this scale problematic and chose to use other degrees such as Celsius instead. Use our Re to F converter.

When to use Fahrenheit?

In the United States, the temperature scale of Fahrenheit is mainly used such as for temperatures on the weather forecast and within buildings. The Fahrenheit scale as we know it today is based on one proposed by German physicist, Daniel Fahrenheit who studied the temperatures of brine and the human body. Try out our °Re – °F conversion tool.
