Convert Litres to UK Gallons

Converter Litres - UK Gallons

Converter UK Gallons - Litres

The UK gallon and the litre are two of the most commonly used volume measurements. Both units of volume can be used in everyday situations and are commonly seen on products in the supermarket. The litre is sometimes referred to as liter with it’s American spelling and the UK gallon is also known as the imperial gallon.  This is our litre to UK gallon converter for you to use for volume conversions, with many more volume converters available.

How to use the Converter from Litres to UK Gallons?

Enter the number of litres you want to calculate into UK gallons and click “convert” for our L to UK Gal calculator to make the accurate volume conversion. The opposite conversion would be using a calculator to convert UK gallons to litres.

Formula to Convert L – UK Gal

We are providing you with the mathematical formula for this litre to gallon conversion should you wish to do the calculation by hand or if you simply need to know it. For instance, 9 L = 1.98 UK gal and 47 L = 10.34 UK gal

[number of] litres x 0.219969 = [number of] UK gallons

Uses for Litres

Litres are a unit of volume that are easy to use for everyday capacities. The litre is subdivided into millilitres which are another common measurements found on bottles of drinks; one litre is the capacity for a cube with sides of 10cm. They derived from the French metric system that used the unit of litrons.  Above is our litre to UK gallon calculator.

Uses for UK Gallons

In advertising, product labelling and many other everyday situations, we use the UK gallon as a measurement of volume. The gallon is a unit found in measuring quantities of fuel. Most commonly used in the UK and Ireland, it is also widely frequent in the rest of the world except of the United States where the US gallon is preferred. View our L – UK gal converter above.


How many is 1 Litre in UK Gallons?

1 Litre equals 0.22 UK Gallons (1L = 0.22UK gal)

How many are 2 Litres in UK Gallons?

2 Litres equal 0.44 UK Gallons (2L = 0.44UK gal)

How many are 3 Litres in UK Gallons?

3 Litres equal 0.66 UK Gallons (3L = 0.66UK gal)

How many are 4 Litres in UK Gallons?

4 Litres equal 0.88 UK Gallons (4L = 0.88UK gal)

How many are 5 Litres in UK Gallons?

5 Litres equal 1.1 UK Gallons (5L = 1.1UK gal)

How many are 10 Litres in UK Gallons?

10 Litres equal 2.2 UK Gallons (10L = 2.2UK gal)

How many are 15 Litres in UK Gallons?

15 Litres equal 3.3 UK Gallons (15L = 3.3UK gal)

How many are 20 Litres in UK Gallons?

20 Litres equal 4.4 UK Gallons (20L = 4.4UK gal)

How many are 25 Litres in UK Gallons?

25 Litres equal 5.5 UK Gallons (25L = 5.5UK gal)

How many are 30 Litres in UK Gallons?

30 Litres equal 6.6 UK Gallons (30L = 6.6UK gal)

How many are 50 Litres in UK Gallons?

50 Litres equal 11 UK Gallons (50L = 11UK gal)

How many are 100 Litres in UK Gallons?

100 Litres equal 22 UK Gallons (100L = 22UK gal)

How many are 200 Litres in UK Gallons?

200 Litres equal 43.99 UK Gallons (200L = 43.99UK gal)

How many are 500 Litres in UK Gallons?

500 Litres equal 109.98 UK Gallons (500L = 109.98UK gal)

How many are 1000 Litres in UK Gallons?

1000 Litres equal 219.97 UK Gallons (1000L = 219.97UK gal)