Convert US Gallons to Barrels

Converter US Gallons - Barrels

Converter Barrels - US Gallons

Both these units of volume, US gallons and barrels, are found in commercial packaging information rather than being used in everyday situations. They can be used to measure drinks, beer, oil or even dry materials, although this is less common. Above you will find our US gal – bbl calculator for your volume conversions. View our other volume converters too!

How to use the Converter from US Gallons to Barrels?

Insert the amount of US gallons in the box above that you need to change into barrels and click “convert” for our US gallons to barrels converter to give you the accurate equivalent. The opposite conversion would be to convert barrels to US gallons.

Formula to Convert US Gal – bbl

Should you need to know the mathematical formula used by our gallon – barrel calculator, we have provided it below and it is the most accurate way to convert these two units. For example, 12 US gal = 0.38 bbl and 35 US gal = 1.11 bbl

[number of] US gallons / 31.5 = [number of] barrels 

Uses for US Gallons

The US gallon is a lighter volume measurement than the imperial gallon. For trade purposes, the US gallon is usually defined with a temperature to account for liquid expansion and contraction. US gallons are most commonly used for measuring quantities of petrol.  Use the US Gal to bbl converter for your calculations.

Uses for Barrels

Beer and oil are usually traded using measurements of barrels as the volume, although it can also be used for measuring dry quantities. In the United States beer barrels are more commonly known as kegs, with the unit of barrels being a more official way of defining the volume. Above is our US gallon – barrel converter.


How many is 1 US Gallon in Barrels?

1 US Gallon equals 0.03 Barrels (1US gal = 0.03bbl)

How many are 2 US Gallons in Barrels?

2 US Gallons equal 0.06 Barrels (2US gal = 0.06bbl)

How many are 3 US Gallons in Barrels?

3 US Gallons equal 0.1 Barrels (3US gal = 0.1bbl)

How many are 4 US Gallons in Barrels?

4 US Gallons equal 0.13 Barrels (4US gal = 0.13bbl)

How many are 5 US Gallons in Barrels?

5 US Gallons equal 0.16 Barrels (5US gal = 0.16bbl)

How many are 10 US Gallons in Barrels?

10 US Gallons equal 0.32 Barrels (10US gal = 0.32bbl)

How many are 15 US Gallons in Barrels?

15 US Gallons equal 0.48 Barrels (15US gal = 0.48bbl)

How many are 20 US Gallons in Barrels?

20 US Gallons equal 0.63 Barrels (20US gal = 0.63bbl)

How many are 25 US Gallons in Barrels?

25 US Gallons equal 0.79 Barrels (25US gal = 0.79bbl)

How many are 30 US Gallons in Barrels?

30 US Gallons equal 0.95 Barrels (30US gal = 0.95bbl)

How many are 50 US Gallons in Barrels?

50 US Gallons equal 1.59 Barrels (50US gal = 1.59bbl)

How many are 100 US Gallons in Barrels?

100 US Gallons equal 3.17 Barrels (100US gal = 3.17bbl)

How many are 200 US Gallons in Barrels?

200 US Gallons equal 6.35 Barrels (200US gal = 6.35bbl)

How many are 500 US Gallons in Barrels?

500 US Gallons equal 15.87 Barrels (500US gal = 15.87bbl)

How many are 1000 US Gallons in Barrels?

1000 US Gallons equal 31.75 Barrels (1000US gal = 31.75bbl)