Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

Converter Fahrenheit - Celsius

Converter Celsius - Fahrenheit

Converting between degrees of Celsius and Fahrenheit is common when it comes to temperature conversions. Governments wanted a standardisation in temperature measurements so used Celsius to do so. Now the Celsius scale of temperature is mostly used in the world, except in the US where Fahrenheit is favoured. When reading recipes and cooking, such as for chocolate desserts, it is common to need to convert between these two temperatures.Use this Fahrenheit – Celsius converter to change between the two. View our other temperature converters.

How to use the Converter for Fahrenheit to Celsius?

In the Fahrenheit – Celsius calculator above, enter the amount of degrees in Fahrenheit you wish to change and click “convert” to be given the accurate equivalent in Celsius. For the opposite conversion, see how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.

Formula to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

The mathematical formula used by the temperature converter f to c is shown below and is useful if you need to know how the online conversion is done. For example, 10°F = -12°C = and 100°F = 37.7°C

(°F – 30) / 2 = °C

When to use Fahrenheit?

In the United States, the temperature scale of Fahrenheit is favoured. The Fahrenheit scale as we know it today is based on one proposed by German physicist, Daniel Fahrenheit. The freezing point of water using this temperature scale is 32°F while the boiling point is 212°F. Try out our °F – °C conversion tool.

When to use Celsius?

Degrees Celsius is the most common form of measuring temperature used in thermometers and on the news when telling the weather. Formerly known as degrees centigrade, the Celsius scale comes from the temperature scale proposed by the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius where 0 signified boiling water and 100 freezing water. Use our F to C temperature converter above.
