Convert Rankine to Kelvin

Converter Kelvin - Reaumur

Kelvin and rankine and very similar temperature measurements as both were discovered by Glaswegian engineers and physicists. The difference between the two is that rankine units are based upon degrees Fahrenheit while kelvin is based upon degrees Celsius. Although, both scales define absolute zero as 0 within their own scale, where no more thermal motion occurs. Above you will find our rankine -kelvin converter and view our other temperature converters.

How to use the Converter Rankine to Kelvin?

Simple to use, enter the amount of units of rankine you want to change into the box above for our R – K conversion tool to get going. Click “convert” and view the new quantity in kelvin. If you need the opposite conversion, go to convert kelvin to rankine.

Formula to Convert °R – K

The mathematical formula for this conversion is shown in the equation below and is the same formula used by the converter of rankine to kelvin. As a few examples, 7 °R = 3.89 K and 52 °R = 28.89 K

[number of] rankine x (5/9) = [number of] kelvin

When to use Rankine?

Rankine units are related to degrees of Fahrenheit unlike kelvin that are related to Celsius. William Rankine, a Glaswegian engineer and physicist, proposed the Rankine scale in 1859. Absolute zero on the Rankine scale is also defined as 0 on the Kelvin scale, however. Use our rankine – kelvin calculator above.

When to use Kelvin?

The Kelvin scale was created when Glaswegian engineer and physicist, William Thomson, wrote about an absolute thermometric scale. Units of kelvin is not a type of degree but instead is a unit of measurement mostly used within the scientific field, showing a difference between it and the likes of Celsius and Fahrenheit. Above you will be able to convert °r – k.
