Convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin

Need to convert from Fahrenheit to kelvin? Changing between these two can be tricky, use our ºF to Kelvin converter for any conversion needed!

Convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin


Although both kelvin and Fahrneheit are used in measuring temperature, degrees Fahrenheit are used in a more commercial sense while kelvin is more strictly a measurement for scientific purposes. Both these units of temperature were discovered by important figures in the scientific field. Above you will find out Fahrenheit – kelvin converter to use. View our other temperature converters.

How to use the Converter from Fahrenheit to Kelvin?

Enter above the quantity of degrees Fahrenheit you need to convert into kelvin and click “convert” to be given the new tempertaure equivalent by our °F to K converter. To do the opposite conversion, use our tool to convert kelvin to Fahrenheit.

Formula to Convert °F – K

In mathematical terms, the temperature conversion formula for this calculation of Fahrenheit to kelvin is shown below for you to use should you need to. As a few examples, 35°F = 274.82K and 78°F = 298.71K

(°F + 459.67) x (5/9) = [number of] K 

When to use Fahrenheit?

The temperature scale of Fahrenheit is favoured in the United States for measuring temperature, such as on the weather forecast and within buildings, such as offices and rooms. The Fahrenheit scale as we know it today is based on one proposed by German physicist, Daniel Fahrenheit who studied the temperatures of brine and the human body. Try out our °F to K conversion tool.

When to use Kelvin?

The Kelvin scale was born when Glaswegian engineer and physicist, William Thomson, wrote about an absolute thermometric scale. The unit of kelvin is not a type of degree, such as Celsius or Fahrenheit, but instead is a unit of measurement mostly used within the scientific field. Above you will be able to convert °f to k.

How many is 1 Fahrenheit degrees in Kelvin degrees?

1 Fahrenheit degrees equals 255.92777777778 Kelvin degrees (1°F = 255.92777777778K)

How many are 2 Fahrenheit degrees en Kelvin degrees?

2 Fahrenheit degrees equal 256.48333333333 Kelvin degrees (2°F = 256.48333333333K)

How many are 3 Fahrenheit degrees en Kelvin degrees?

3 Fahrenheit degrees equal 257.03888888889 Kelvin degrees (3°F = 257.03888888889K)

How many are 4 Fahrenheit degrees en Kelvin degrees?

4 Fahrenheit degrees equal 257.59444444444 Kelvin degrees (4°F = 257.59444444444K)

How many are 5 Fahrenheit degrees en Kelvin degrees?

5 Fahrenheit degrees equal 258.15 Kelvin degrees (5°F = 258.15K)

How many are 10 Fahrenheit degrees en Kelvin degrees?

10 Fahrenheit degrees equal 260.92777777778 Kelvin degrees (10°F = 260.92777777778K)

How many are 15 Fahrenheit degrees en Kelvin degrees?

15 Fahrenheit degrees equal 263.70555555556 Kelvin degrees (15°F = 263.70555555556K)

How many are 20 Fahrenheit degrees en Kelvin degrees?

20 Fahrenheit degrees equal 266.48333333333 Kelvin degrees (20°F = 266.48333333333K)

How many are 25 Fahrenheit degrees en Kelvin degrees?

25 Fahrenheit degrees equal 269.26111111111 Kelvin degrees (25°F = 269.26111111111K)

How many are 30 Fahrenheit degrees en Kelvin degrees?

30 Fahrenheit degrees equal 272.03888888889 Kelvin degrees (30°F = 272.03888888889K)

How many are 50 Fahrenheit degrees en Kelvin degrees?

50 Fahrenheit degrees equal 283.15 Kelvin degrees (50°F = 283.15K)

How many are 100 Fahrenheit degrees en Kelvin degrees?

100 Fahrenheit degrees equal 310.92777777778 Kelvin degrees (100°F = 310.92777777778K)

How many are 200 Fahrenheit degrees en Kelvin degrees?

200 Fahrenheit degrees equal 366.48333333333 Kelvin degrees (200°F = 366.48333333333K)

How many are 500 Fahrenheit degrees en Kelvin degrees?

500 Fahrenheit degrees equal 533.15 Kelvin degrees (500°F = 533.15K)

How many are 1000 Fahrenheit degrees en Kelvin degrees?

1000 Fahrenheit degrees equal 810.92777777778 Kelvin degrees (1000°F = 810.92777777778K)
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