Convert Fahrenheit to Rankine

Converter Fahrenheit - Kelvin

Converter Kelvin - Fahrenheit

Rankine and Fahrenheit are both used to measure temperature, however Fahrenheit is a more common unit that people use everyday. Degrees Fahrenheit is favoured in the United States over Celsius. The Rankine scale is similar to the Kelvin scale, as 0 on both these scales of temperature measurement equal absolute zero for all thermal activity. Try out out Fahrenheit – rankine calculator above, or view our other temperature converters.

How to use the Converter from Fahrenheit to Rankine?

Enter the quantity of degrees Fahrenheit you need to change in the box above and click “convert” for our °F – °R converter to present the equivalent quantity in rankine units. The opposite conversion would require you to convert rankine to Fahrenheit.

Formula to Convert °F – °R

In mathematical terms, the formula for a Fahrenheit to rankine conversion is shown below should you at any point need to do the calculation by hand or know how it is done. For instance, 55°F = 514.67°R and 178°F = 637.67°R

[number of] degrees Fahrenheit + 459.67 = [number of] rankine units

When to use Fahrenheit?

The Fahrenheit scale as we know it today is based on one proposed by German physicist, Daniel Fahrenheit who studied the temperatures of brine and the human body. Fahrenheit is favoured in the United States for measuring temperature, such as on the weather forecast and within buildings, such as offices and rooms.  Try out our °F to °R conversion tool.

When to use Rankine?

William Rankine, a Glaswegian engineer and physicist, proposed the Rankine scale in 1859. Absolute zero, as defined by 0 on the Kelvin scale, is also defined as 0 on the Rankine scale, however units of rankine are related to degrees of Fahrenheit unlike the units of kelvin that are related to Celsius. Use our Fahrenheit – rankine converter above.
