Convert Hours to Seconds

Changing between the time measurements of hours and seconds? Make your life easier by using this hour to second converter. More unit conversions available.

Conversion Hours - Seconds

Conversor de Seconds to Hours

Above you will find our time converter to convert hours to seconds. This conversion is useful for any type of calculation you need, whether it is for maths revision or you need to work out a period of time in a smaller or larger quantity. Our hour – second converter can help you out! For more calculations, see our other time converters available.

How to Convert from Hours to Seconds?

In the hours to seconds calculator above, enter the number of hours that you wish to change and click ¨convert¨ for it to be converter into seconds. This hrs – secs conversion is accurate and easy to use. For the opposite calculation, go to convert seconds to hours.

Formula to Convert Hrs – Secs

Look below to view the mathematical formula needed when converting hours – seconds. This is what is used by our online calculator and will give you accurate results. As some examples, 4 hrs = 14,400 secs while 0.5 hrs = 1,800 secs.

[number of] hours x 3,600 = [number of] seconds

Using Hours

Hours are a measurement that is used daily to tell the time and calculate periods of time that usually occur within the space of a few days. Hours are divided into minutes and multiplied into days. Use this converter of hours to seconds for your time conversions.

Using Seconds

The time unit of seconds is an accurate and smaller quantity used for specific timing requirements such as in sports or cooking. Seconds are divided into milliseconds and multiplied into minutes. This converter hours to seconds is a handy tool.



How many is 1 Hour in Seconds?

1 Hour equals 3600 Seconds (1hr = 3600sec)

How many are 2 Hours in Seconds?

2 Hours equal 7200 Seconds (2hr = 7200sec)

How many are 3 Hours in Seconds?

3 Hours equal 10800 Seconds (3hr = 10800sec)

How many are 4 Hours in Seconds?

4 Hours equal 14400 Seconds (4hr = 14400sec)

How many are 5 Hours in Seconds?

5 Hours equal 18000 Seconds (5hr = 18000sec)

How many are 10 Hours in Seconds?

10 Hours equal 36000 Seconds (10hr = 36000sec)

How many are 15 Hours in Seconds?

15 Hours equal 54000 Seconds (15hr = 54000sec)

How many are 20 Hours in Seconds?

20 Hours equal 72000 Seconds (20hr = 72000sec)

How many are 25 Hours in Seconds?

25 Hours equal 90000 Seconds (25hr = 90000sec)

How many are 30 Hours in Seconds?

30 Hours equal 108000 Seconds (30hr = 108000sec)

How many are 50 Hours in Seconds?

50 Hours equal 180000 Seconds (50hr = 180000sec)

How many are 100 Hours in Seconds?

100 Hours equal 360000 Seconds (100hr = 360000sec)

How many are 200 Hours in Seconds?

200 Hours equal 720000 Seconds (200hr = 720000sec)

How many are 500 Hours in Seconds?

500 Hours equal 1800000 Seconds (500hr = 1800000sec)

How many are 1000 Hours in Seconds?

1000 Hours equal 3600000 Seconds (1000hr = 3600000sec)
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