Convert Ounces to Pounds

Converter Ounces - Pounds

Converter Pounds - Ounces

Ounces are sometimes used as a subdivision measurement of pounds, pounds being the larger unit to measure slightly heavier masses. You use pounds more to measure weights of people or things whereas ounces are used more to measure foods and smaller items. There are many weight converters available for you to use, check out this one for ounce – pound conversions.

How to Convert oz to lb?

In order to see how many pounds equal a certain number of ounces, you must enter the quantity of ounces in the box above and click ¨convert¨. For the opposite conversion use our calculator to convert pounds to ounces. This oz to lb calculator is accurate and easy to use.

Formula to Convert Ounces – Pounds

The conversion formula used for these two units of mass is oz / 16 = lb and this is automatically used by our converter of ounces to pounds. For instance,  1oz = 0.0625lb while 12oz = 0.75lb.

Measurements in Ounces

This is the smallest unit of mass and one ounce roughly is the same weight as a slice of bread. It can be used to measure liquids or in the fabric industry. More commonly the measurement of ounces is used in cooking. Use our ounce to pound converter to change between these units of quantity.

Measurements in Pounds

Similar to kilograms, pounds are used to measure things that can be lifted by people. Usually it is used to measure body weight and animals, but can sometimes be used as a unit of weight for food. The oz – lb calculator above will help you with any conversion.



How many is 1 Ounce in Pounds?

1 Ounce equals 0.06 Pounds (1oz = 0.06lb)

How many are 2 Ounces in Pounds?

2 Ounces equal 0.13 Pounds (2oz = 0.13lb)

How many are 3 Ounces in Pounds?

3 Ounces equal 0.19 Pounds (3oz = 0.19lb)

How many are 4 Ounces in Pounds?

4 Ounces equal 0.25 Pounds (4oz = 0.25lb)

How many are 5 Ounces in Pounds?

5 Ounces equal 0.31 Pounds (5oz = 0.31lb)

How many are 10 Ounces in Pounds?

10 Ounces equal 0.63 Pounds (10oz = 0.63lb)

How many are 15 Ounces in Pounds?

15 Ounces equal 0.94 Pounds (15oz = 0.94lb)

How many are 20 Ounces in Pounds?

20 Ounces equal 1.25 Pounds (20oz = 1.25lb)

How many are 25 Ounces in Pounds?

25 Ounces equal 1.56 Pounds (25oz = 1.56lb)

How many are 30 Ounces in Pounds?

30 Ounces equal 1.88 Pounds (30oz = 1.88lb)

How many are 50 Ounces in Pounds?

50 Ounces equal 3.13 Pounds (50oz = 3.13lb)

How many are 100 Ounces in Pounds?

100 Ounces equal 6.25 Pounds (100oz = 6.25lb)

How many are 200 Ounces in Pounds?

200 Ounces equal 12.5 Pounds (200oz = 12.5lb)

How many are 500 Ounces in Pounds?

500 Ounces equal 31.25 Pounds (500oz = 31.25lb)

How many are 1000 Ounces in Pounds?

1000 Ounces equal 62.5 Pounds (1000oz = 62.5lb)