Convert Pounds to Grams

Converter Pounds - Grams

Converter Grams - Pounds

These two quantities of measurement, grams and pounds, are most commonly used in relation to mass of food products, for example chocolate which is used a lot in recipes. Pounds are also used for larger measurements such as body weight. Visit our weight converters page for more weight calculators and have a go at this lb to g converter to help changing between different units.

How to Convert from lb to g?

Simply enter a quantity in the pound to gram calculator in the box above if you want to change from pounds to grams, and click ¨convert¨. Our accurate weight calculator will give you the new quantity that you are looking for in grams. If you want to work the other way then go to convert grams to pounds.

Formula to Convert Pounds – Grams

The conversion formula that is used by our lb – g converter is lb / 0.0022046 = g and this is done automatically by our systems. For example 2lb = 907.18g and 0.5lb = 226.8g.

Measurements in Pounds

Similar to kilograms, pounds are used to measure things that can be lifted by people. Usually it is used to measure body weight and animals, but can sometimes be used as a unit of weight for food. For a conversion between these two units, use the lb to g calculator.

Measurements in Grams

The gram is a unit of mass used within the metric system. Most people will understand weight in grams, it is commonly used for groceries and everyday objects that are not heavy. For example, food products have regulations to give their contents in measurements of grams. This pounds – grams conversion is useful for checking weight measurements.


How many is 1 Pound in Grams?

1 Pound equals 453.59 Grams (1lb = 453.59g)

How many are 2 Pounds in Grams?

2 Pounds equal 907.18 Grams (2lb = 907.18g)

How many are 3 Pounds in Grams?

3 Pounds equal 1360.78 Grams (3lb = 1360.78g)

How many are 4 Pounds in Grams?

4 Pounds equal 1814.37 Grams (4lb = 1814.37g)

How many are 5 Pounds in Grams?

5 Pounds equal 2267.96 Grams (5lb = 2267.96g)

How many are 10 Pounds in Grams?

10 Pounds equal 4535.92 Grams (10lb = 4535.92g)

How many are 15 Pounds in Grams?

15 Pounds equal 6803.88 Grams (15lb = 6803.88g)

How many are 20 Pounds in Grams?

20 Pounds equal 9071.84 Grams (20lb = 9071.84g)

How many are 25 Pounds in Grams?

25 Pounds equal 11339.8 Grams (25lb = 11339.8g)

How many are 30 Pounds in Grams?

30 Pounds equal 13607.76 Grams (30lb = 13607.76g)

How many are 50 Pounds in Grams?

50 Pounds equal 22679.6 Grams (50lb = 22679.6g)

How many are 100 Pounds in Grams?

100 Pounds equal 45359.2 Grams (100lb = 45359.2g)

How many are 200 Pounds in Grams?

200 Pounds equal 90718.4 Grams (200lb = 90718.4g)

How many are 500 Pounds in Grams?

500 Pounds equal 226796 Grams (500lb = 226796g)

How many are 1000 Pounds in Grams?

1000 Pounds equal 453592 Grams (1000lb = 453592g)