Convert Pounds to Tonnes

Converter Pounds - Tonnes

Converter Tonnes - Pounds

The unit of measurement of tonnes is one of the largest units and so is rarely used in everyday situations, unlike the pound that can be used for most medium-weighted objects. View our other weight converters for more conversions.

How to Convert from lb to t?

If you would like to find out how many tonnes equal a certain number of pounds, then enter the quanitity in the box and click ¨convert¨ for an accurate and quick calculation. To work the other way, use our unit converter to convert tonnes to pounds.

Measurements in Pounds

Similar to kilograms, pounds are used to measure things that can be lifted by people. Usually it is used to measure body weight and animals, but can sometimes be used as a unit of weight for food.

Measurements in Tonnes

Although it can also be used as a colloquial term, tonnes are a unit of mass principally used to measure heavy objects such as cars or large quantities of garbage for example. Britain and America often use separate names to classify their use of this unit of measurement.



How many is 1 Pound in Tonnes?

1 Pound equals 0 Tonnes (1lb = 0t)

How many are 2 Pounds in Tonnes?

2 Pounds equal 0 Tonnes (2lb = 0t)

How many are 3 Pounds in Tonnes?

3 Pounds equal 0 Tonnes (3lb = 0t)

How many are 4 Pounds in Tonnes?

4 Pounds equal 0 Tonnes (4lb = 0t)

How many are 5 Pounds in Tonnes?

5 Pounds equal 0 Tonnes (5lb = 0t)

How many are 10 Pounds in Tonnes?

10 Pounds equal 0 Tonnes (10lb = 0t)

How many are 15 Pounds in Tonnes?

15 Pounds equal 0.01 Tonnes (15lb = 0.01t)

How many are 20 Pounds in Tonnes?

20 Pounds equal 0.01 Tonnes (20lb = 0.01t)

How many are 25 Pounds in Tonnes?

25 Pounds equal 0.01 Tonnes (25lb = 0.01t)

How many are 30 Pounds in Tonnes?

30 Pounds equal 0.01 Tonnes (30lb = 0.01t)

How many are 50 Pounds in Tonnes?

50 Pounds equal 0.02 Tonnes (50lb = 0.02t)

How many are 100 Pounds in Tonnes?

100 Pounds equal 0.05 Tonnes (100lb = 0.05t)

How many are 200 Pounds in Tonnes?

200 Pounds equal 0.09 Tonnes (200lb = 0.09t)

How many are 500 Pounds in Tonnes?

500 Pounds equal 0.23 Tonnes (500lb = 0.23t)

How many are 1000 Pounds in Tonnes?

1000 Pounds equal 0.45 Tonnes (1000lb = 0.45t)